Looking Glass Garden Club

Enhancing community through the love of gardening, conservation and environmental responsibility. Become a member and join us today!

Club Objective

To advance the fine art of gardening, landscape design, floral design & the study of horticulture. To support good land stewardship, conservation and preservation. To encourage home, business and community beautification. To create a change in the common perspective on gardening.

Looking out for our local flora and fauna

Hosting an annual Native Plant Sale

Making friends along the way

What We Do

We meet once a month to learn about gardening, protecting habitat, and making our community beautiful with various projects. Everyone is encouraged to join us! 

In the summer we do local events and take group field trips and events. For example, we put on a native plant sale, manage public gardens in the area including decorating our bridges with living plants. We also visit local private gardens or go to garden shows to get inspired.

Once it gets cold, we still keep our green thumb green! We meet for educational talks such as learning about native plants, how to build a rain garden and ways we can help the environment in our day to day lives. We also decorate the local bridges with holiday greens.

Maintaining local
public gardens

Club field trips
and planting events

Decorating our
Looking Glass bridges